Page name: Creature art contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-04-23 10:47:59
Last author: Nocturnaliss
Owner: Zab
# of watchers: 6
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Creature Art Contest!

Contest created by [Zab]
Current host: [Nocturnaliss]

Welcome to the creature art contest! This is a themed and ongoing art contest. Every new period a theme will be posted - it can be an existing creature or just a description of a creature made up or heard about. Your job is to draw, photograph or sculpt this creature as close to the description and as nicely as you can.

A "host's favourite" will be chosen by [Nocturnaliss], and a poll will decide the ultimate winner. The winner gets the honour and some sort of badge. ;)


A maximum of 2 entries per person and theme.
All visible art, such as paintings, photos, sculptures, photomanipulations is welcome.
No stealing art, of course. It has to be entirely made by you.
For photos and manipulations, only use photos you have taken yourself, no bought or given stock photos.
Don't beg for votes in the poll, advertizing the poll is alright.
Since it is creatures, clothes are not necessary. Neither are visible genitals so just keep it child-friendly.
Well, just be nice and civilized :)


CURRENT THEME: Marine Monster!

Let your imagination run wild! Were you riding on a ship towards unknown lands, what dangerous beast would keep you awake at night, what would you fear encountering on the vast open seas ? Mythological or entirely fictitious, this is your moment to define the 'Terror of the Seas'!

The only rule is that your creature must clearly be of the marine variety, even if it's only by a set of gills. :)

Deadline: CLOSED

Voting: ends May 6th

4186) And the Poll Winner is: (Administrator: [Nocturnaliss])

Number of voters: 5
* a) 1. <img300*0:> [The Dizzy Raven] ~ "Unfortunate Tidings"
Number of votes: 3 (60%) Voters: [XxTsomexX], [Zab], [Eyonic]

* b) 2. <img300*0:stuff/aj/92267/1362506981.jpg> [Eyonic] - "On purpose or Accident?"
Number of votes: 2 (40%) Voters: [Nioniel], [The Dizzy Raven]

* c) 3. <img300*0:stuff/waterdragon.jpg> [XxTsomexX] - "Water Dragon"
Number of votes: 0 (0%)


The Entries

1. [The Dizzy Raven] ~ "Unfortunate Tidings"


2. [Eyonic] - "On purpose or Accident?"

3. [XxTsomexX] - "Water Dragon"




The Badges:

[in development ;)]



Older contests:
CAC Unicorn
CAC Wolf-deer
CAC Griffon
CAC Xenomorph
CAC Chimera


Username (or number or email):


2011-12-20 [XxTsomexX]: Hmm I need to do something up for this, it's looking a little...bare.

2011-12-20 [Nioniel]: Oh, cool stuff, [Zab]!

2011-12-20 [Zab]: Yes, it's very nekkid.. x) I had hoped for a few entries at least...

Thanks :)

2011-12-20 [XxTsomexX]: I can't guarentee it'll be the best D: I'm not used to drawing creatures....

2011-12-21 [Zab]: xD Fear not, anything would be great at this point..

2011-12-22 [Linderel]: *skulk*

2011-12-22 [Zab]: :O

2011-12-22 [Linderel]: Not a painter nor a sculpter, but I do have a teeny tiny bit of skill in photomanipulation. The problem is finding time. xD

2011-12-22 [Linderel]: ...except that there's no way I can create a sufficiently satisfying manip with photos only taken by myself. I withdraw my statement of intent and will remain a lurker, at least for the current round. <_<

2011-12-22 [Zab]: Sowwy.. :3

2011-12-22 [Nioniel]: I tried to find some of my own stock to use, but I don't think it's going to work.

2011-12-22 [Zab]: It's just that it's so easy - especially with unicorns - to just paint a horn on a horse photo. That's why I want the photo to be original art already to start with.

2011-12-22 [Nioniel]: Ah. Sadly, I don't have much access to horses to photograph.

2011-12-22 [Zab]: Well, you can still draw, paint, sculpt or take a picture of something else than a real horse to maipulate. Be creative.

2011-12-23 [Earoluim]: I just have one question.

2011-12-23 [Nocturnaliss]: Question: is old art okay ?

2011-12-23 [Zab]: Earoluim: Shoot. Questions are not against the rules :P

Nocturnaliss: It is, but it's more fun if it's not too famous. If I've seen it before I won't like it as much *lol* It will of course still be listed for peoples choice, and I might still chose it as owners choice. But it's a plus if it's new to me, that's all :)

2011-12-23 [Earoluim]: Is multiple horns a disqulification ?

2011-12-23 [Zab]: Hm.. tough question.. unicorn means one horn.. kinda.. yet I did ask for originality and creativity..
You can always try posting it, if it looks and feels like a unicorn despite the amount of horns, I guess it would be okay.

2011-12-23 [Earoluim]: * Smiles and nods my head *

2011-12-23 [Zab]: :P *waits to see the result*

2011-12-24 [XxTsomexX]: I just have to outline and color mine :P

2011-12-24 [Zab]: Whoot!

2011-12-28 [Nocturnaliss]: Uh, I see deadline 27th, but is the contest actually over ? Been sick (still sick) and haven't had time to look at this again :(

2011-12-29 [Zab]: Well.. there's no entries, to the contest never started :(

2011-12-29 [Nioniel]: Maybe extend the deadline, add the info to mc and we'll get it up on Main Street for you? I didn't find this contest until less than a week before the deadline. :( I'd probably enter if I had more time to figure out what I wanted to do and then do it, and others might feel the same way. Advertising more may help with that.

2011-12-29 [XxTsomexX]: Ive been sick and dealing with crap at work. I'm going to try and gt mine finished tomorrow :(

2011-12-29 [Zab]: Ah, forgot about MC. Too long since I had a contest.
I'll extend it a month then. :)

2011-12-30 [Nioniel]: I'll toss it up for you now. :)

2011-12-30 [Zab]: Thank you :)

2011-12-30 [Nioniel]: You're welcome. ^^

2011-12-30 [Nocturnaliss]: Wonderful! I'm definitely entering, entry coming up soon :D

2011-12-31 [Zab]: Definetly an original unicorn! :P

2012-01-01 [Eyonic]: o.o Definitely in!

2012-01-04 [Eyonic]: oh he turned out super little and kinda hard to see o.o

2012-01-04 [Nioniel]: Ohhh, those are both so cool! :)

2012-01-04 [Nocturnaliss]: DOn't worry Eyonic, people just have to click on him for a larger view ;)

2012-01-04 [Zab]: Oh, cool!
Yep, it's click-able :)

2012-01-04 [Ravenclaw]: I believe I shall take a crack at this...

2012-01-04 [Zab]: Please do :P *hopes I read that one right*

2012-01-04 [Eyonic]: yeah :P I made him pretty big

2012-01-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: hm... *ish curious* I shall try for this if I have time to make an entry :3

2012-01-05 [Ravenclaw]: Pretty sure I'm done. It might change minimally between now and the deadline. Doubtful though.

2012-01-05 [Zab]: Yay, more entries! :) Wonderful.

2012-01-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: Ravenclaw, I absolutely love yous!!!! O.O It's gorgeous!! <3

2012-01-05 [Ravenclaw]: Thanks.

2012-01-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: You're welcome :)

2012-01-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: *yours ^^; super typo

2012-01-29 [The Dizzy Raven]: Ack! T.T Do you think I still have time to finish my entry?
I've just been so busy with work and I finally found time tonight to work on it.

If not, it's ok. Thanks anyways :)

2012-01-29 [Zab]: Sure, I'l keep t open a day more :)

2012-01-29 [The Dizzy Raven]: Thank you so much! *hugs [Zab]* I'm half-way done with it, so I'm hoping on getting done. XD I was gonna finish it last night but I was falling asleep.

Oh! I should have asked this earlier. Is anthro allowed?

2012-01-29 [The Dizzy Raven]: Finally got it done. :) If anthro is not allowed, feel free to take it down. ^_^ Just thought I'd try something new :)

2012-01-29 [Ravenclaw]: When can we expect the poll?

2012-01-30 [Eyonic]: o.O yar, me wants to know too

2012-01-30 [Zab]: Poll should be up later tonight :)
Anthro is allowed :)

2012-01-30 [The Dizzy Raven]: Ok ^_^
And yay! lol :) Thanks for letting me know :3

2012-02-01 [Zab]: Sorry, no fancy poll, but a poll there is :) Feel free to advertise the poll, just don't ask for votes! ;)

2012-02-01 [The Dizzy Raven]: ok :) Thanks, Zab! ^_^

2012-02-03 [Ravenclaw]: Any idea what the next contest will be about?

2012-02-03 [Zab]: Lets finish this one first :)

2012-02-05 [XxTsomexX]: Awww damn D: with my wedding ive been too busy to scan any art :( oh well lol ill still finish it and just post it in my art page :) I can do it now that my wedding is done al least.

2012-02-05 [Zab]: Please show it in the comments here too :)

2012-02-05 [XxTsomexX]: Will do :)

2012-02-09 [Zab]: CONGRATULATIONS!

A hint; the next theme will be a wolflike creature which I'll post a specific description of ;)

2012-02-09 [Eyonic]: :O yay! too bad i has no photoshop now...might have to do one in color pencil then

2012-02-09 [The Dizzy Raven]: Oh wow! :3 It's an honor! Thank you! ^_^

Awesome jobs, Everyone! :D

Wolf-like sounds really interesting :3

2012-02-10 [Ravenclaw]: Sweet, thanks everyone!

2012-02-12 [Zab]: NEW ROUND!

2012-02-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: Dude! This is epic! :D

2012-02-12 [Ravenclaw]: Question... centaur... thoughts?

2012-02-12 [Zab]: :)

Centaur.. that would include human.. although I'm leaving windows for some free modeling, adding a human shape onto it feels a little over the top.. it's an engineered working animal afterall, and not one made for cooking and housecleaning.. :3

2012-02-12 [Nioniel]: Still learning my way around my tablet. >_>

2012-02-12 [Ravenclaw]: So you're thinking more deer/wolf gryphon kinda deal then.

2012-02-12 [Zab]: Nionel: Nice! :P Making stuff for contests is a great way to practice ;)

Ravenclaw: Doesn't gryphons have wings? They're generally the lion-bird mixes, right?
Just a wolf-reindeer mix, no need to make it more complicated than that :) Just added the story because.. well, at least I find a background-sstory more inspiring than a two-word sentense. And anything creatively added to fit the story (maybe they've bred on/strengthened some characteristics to get a better use of them? etc) is welcomed... Stuff added that isn't at all fitting with the backstory or description isn't that great.
But in the end it's how you see them, not how I see them. I've described a reindeerwolf, so draw one however you think they might look like. As long as they have the antlers, wolfish teeth, cloven back feet and claws on the front feet (the stuff I've described), I don't care much of the rest of the shape, really. It can be heavy, thin, long tail, short tail, built for short, fast runs, more endurance, strength, cunning.. etc. It's a predator but how they hunt I leave to you :)

2012-02-12 [Ravenclaw]: You're being too literal with what I'm saying.

I meant gryphon only in that one half is one creature and the other is another creature.

2012-02-12 [Zab]: I've always ever known them as bird things, so.. :)
But yes, in that case that's what I mean.
It can be ''half and half'' with a clean nice line between the creatures (like gryphons tend to be; you see exactly what is a lion and what's the bird) though, but it can also be mixed.. like a mule is half horse and half donkey, but you can't see exactly what part is from which animal (besides the ears *lol*) yet it's clear that it's a mix. I'm thinking more of a mule type mix myself - but I'm not ruling out the other type.

2012-02-12 [Ravenclaw]: I was just using it as an example.

2012-02-17 [Nioniel]: A, that's so pretty!

2012-02-17 [The Dizzy Raven]: Thanks, Nionel! :3 *hugs*

2012-02-17 [Nioniel]: :) *huggle*

2012-02-17 [The Dizzy Raven]: Yay! Hugs!!! :3

2012-02-17 [Zab]: If I'd be nitpicking I'd point out that the front and hind feet should switch place and the nose doesn't feel wolfish :P But I won't cuz I like the entry. Very well done :)
I like the horns and thick fur.

2012-02-17 [Zab]: Maybe the description was unclear? I guess it could be read as if the recognized traits can differ as long as the mix is obvious? It doesn't mater much, but it's interesting to see how many artist that doesn't manage to get all the details correct after the description (made a similiar challenge in a swedish forum). I wonder why that is, perhaps the mind starts to make out the shape of the creature before we're done reading? I know I make just that sort of mistakes. Was competing with a dragon and managed to get all the colors wrong despite clear instructions, because my mind had decided what colors it should be..

This is all just me analyzing and thinking :P It's an interesting thing. But I won't hold it against any entry in this round, let's just blame any not-matching parts on a poor description that's not clear enough. ;)

2012-02-17 [The Dizzy Raven]: Thanks, Zab! :3 and yeah, you're right. It should be switched. Though, the only reason why I put the deer parts in the front is because I see too many "half wolf/ half deer" creatures on and theirs look mostly wolf. so, I thought it would be an interesting turn-around to make it more deer than wolf. XD ^^" However, thanks for pointing it out to me! I really appreciate it. :)

Yeah, I did the same thing you did (with the dragon etc). I was imagining it as I was reading it. XD

No, don't blame yourself for the "poor description". After I made my entry, I read the rules again. Then I realized I had read it wrong. XD So, it was my fault I got it wrong. Not you. :) You actually worded the description really well. I just wasn't paying attention. ^^"

Thanks for being so lenient. lol :) I'll just have to pay attention more for the next round.

2012-02-18 [Eyonic]: <img200*0:stuff/aj/92267/1329533484.jpg>
My lineart, I don't know i I'll be able to color it :/ kinda busy lately. I might just end up having to do it in color pencil or somethin

2012-02-18 [The Dizzy Raven]: [Nioniel], I just wanted to let you know that I really like your concept of all the feet being hoofed and the short tail in the back. :) Very unique. I'm used to just seeing half wolf (front of body) and half deer (back of body) and non-pronged horns. You did a version I don't have the honor of seeing very often. ^_^ I really like your idea. :) Great work putting it together ^_^

2012-02-18 [The Dizzy Raven]: Very nice, [Eyonic]! I love your concept, too! <3
It's completely up to you! :3 I'll be looking forward to seeing the finished piece no matter which way you color it. ^_^ Love the antlers! <3

2012-02-18 [Eyonic]: I too like nioniel's idea :3 I had to look up what reindeer antlers looked like o.o

2012-02-18 [Nioniel]: Aw, thanks A! :D

2012-02-18 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol I had to do the same thing. I liked a simple buck's antler's better for some reason. so I used those but continued to use their soft neck fur <3

2012-02-18 [The Dizzy Raven]: You're welcome, [Nioniel]! :3

2012-02-18 [Eyonic]: yay neck fur! I used a lot of it hehe

2012-02-18 [Eyonic]: I'm off for the night, see yas

2012-02-18 [The Dizzy Raven]: hehehe <3 :D

2012-02-18 [The Dizzy Raven]: Good night, [Eyonic]! <3

2012-02-19 [Zab]: [The Dizzy Raven]: :)

[Eyonic]: You're welcome to put the lineart up and change it once you have a colored version :) And it's still several weeks left :P

2012-02-19 [The Dizzy Raven]: *runs around in circles being simply silly* :D

2012-02-20 [Nioniel]: I kept picturing it as a baby, so...

2012-02-20 [Eyonic]: so cute! i want one

2012-02-20 [Nioniel]: :D

2012-02-20 [The Dizzy Raven]: AWWWWWzzzz!!!! *huggles newest entries* <3

2012-02-21 [Zab]: Neat :P

2012-03-03 [Eyonic]: awful quite in here

2012-03-03 [The Dizzy Raven]: yeah *whispers*

2012-03-03 [Zab]: Tam tam ta-taaaam.... >_>

2012-03-03 [The Dizzy Raven]: hehehe hm? :)

2012-03-03 [Eyonic]: :O noise! how i have missed you!

2012-03-04 [The Dizzy Raven]: XDDDD

2012-03-05 [Eyonic]: :3 how are people doing in the world of craziness?

2012-03-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: goood :3 u?

2012-03-08 [Eyonic]: I am peachy, saving up for a new computer though

2012-03-08 [The Dizzy Raven]: cool ^^

2012-04-05 [Eyonic]: blargety?

2012-04-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol :)

2012-04-05 [Eyonic]: had to day something... haven't had anything like messages or updates on here all week q.q

2012-04-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: ikr?

2012-04-06 [Eyonic]: sigh, need to figure out somethin to hand is itchin for the pencil

2012-04-06 [The Dizzy Raven]: hehehe :3

I'm not feeling very artistic right now XD I'm just kinda "meh"

2012-04-06 [Zab]: I still need to make new badges.. >_>

2012-04-07 [Eyonic]: :O >_> silly zab, I just got over feeling meh so needs to draw :D

2012-04-07 [The Dizzy Raven]: :3 Yeah same here. Been drawing new characters while off work and on break.

2012-04-07 [Eyonic]: been trying to draw new characters...mainly been finding contests to enter in XD

2012-04-07 [The Dizzy Raven]: hehehe Same here :)
I have a few I found. Want me to send them to you? They are still runnning, too.

2012-04-07 [Eyonic]: sure :)

2012-04-08 [The Dizzy Raven]: :)

2012-04-08 [Nioniel]: Congrats! And thanks for the mention. :)

2012-04-09 [The Dizzy Raven]: hehehe :3 Thanks! And congrats to everyone! ^_^

2012-04-09 [Eyonic]: :D

2012-04-09 [Ravenclaw]: Congrats.

Now what's next?

2012-04-10 [Zab]: Patiense! I'm trying to format and re-install my computer >_>

2012-04-10 [Eyonic]: *waits patiently for next one....kinda*

2012-06-05 [Ravenclaw]: Anything?

2012-06-11 [Zab]: ..soerry...

2012-06-18 [Nocturnaliss]: So we can assume this contest is dead ?

2012-06-19 [Eyonic]: i hope not :(

2012-06-19 [Nocturnaliss]: I don't think it takes two months to format a computer, and 'sorry' usually means 'sorry I haven't gotten to it yet but something came up after the other something and it's just not gonna happen anymore because of another something coming up'. Not that life can't take over, I think absolutely everybody here knows how life can get... this is just something that seems to happen to alot of wikis on ET. They suddenly die.

[Zab], if you don't have time for it anymore, why don't you let someone take it over from you, or help you, or something ? We're at least three people waiting for the next installment. It'd be a shame to let it all go to waste.

2012-07-15 [Zab]: Sorry, I totally forgot about the contest. And I'm about to hit that famous wall people tend to go into when they're having psychological issues.

If anyone feel to run this contest, feel free to. Anything you need from me to do so except a ''go''?

2012-07-15 [Nocturnaliss]: Sorry to hear about that :/ can we do anything for you, if even but listen ?

2012-07-16 [Zab]: Paint a door on the wall perhaps? ;)
I'll be fine, but for now I need my energy to manage the last reathe and remind me that life is pretty good if I just stop being so depressed about it.

2012-07-19 [Nocturnaliss]: *paints a rainbow door on the wall* :)
I think everybody here understands, or will understand. Only thing you can do is try to hang onto the things that make you happy, even but slightly, until the worst of it is over. Hard as it is, but you can't let go of all hope for the future.

As for the contest... anybody up for running it ? Even partially ? By which I mean, each on turn could come up with a theme so everyone gets to draw ? Don't let me be the only one ;_;

2012-07-19 [Zab]: :)

But if you'e the contestholder, you'll get to draw the badges ;)

2012-07-19 [Nocturnaliss]: Uh, yeah. Not so good at that. XD

2012-07-20 [Zab]: Aaawes... well. If you take this round, perhaps I'm ready to take the next..

2012-07-21 [Eyonic]: so happy, i will have photoshop back next week XD then I could help with this contest/make some badges!

2012-07-23 [Nocturnaliss]: I'm definitely willing to think of a creature to do. I'm also thinking we'll have to alter the opening text a bit, just so it's clear who's chosen the theme and therefore won't participate. And, we should have a admnisistrator fav', and an owner fav' ;) for the badges, my thought is we could have a simple basic design for the badge, which gets filled with the design of the poll-winner. That way, everybody will get a semi-personalized badge.
Pitch in, people ;) lol

2012-07-26 [Zab]: hehe, sounds good.

2012-07-27 [Eyonic]: :3 I'm ready to get artsy

2012-08-03 [Nocturnaliss]: All righty, and I've got some time on my hands at last, so I'll start us up later today with the theme, and we can see from there what happens :)

2012-08-03 [Nocturnaliss]: Voila, it's up and running ;) now just to think of badges and suches. Question: I'm thinking badges for the favourites would be really nice, but they have to be different enough to make winning really be the awesomest thing ever ;D so, how about more generic badges for the favs, and the personalized badge for the winner ?

2012-08-03 [The Dizzy Raven]: Holy crap! What did I miss!? O.o

Anywho... that's funny because I have a random gryphon project I'm currently working on. XD

2012-08-03 [Triola]: What's the stance on old art?

2012-08-03 [Nocturnaliss]: [The Dizzy Raven]: alot :) all you need to know is that the next installment is running ;)

[Triola]: to answer you, I shall quote old comments:
"2011-12-23 [Nocturnaliss]: Question: is old art okay ?

2011-12-23 [Zab]: It is, but it's more fun if it's not too famous. If I've seen it before I won't like it as much *lol* It will of course still be listed for peoples choice, and I might still chose it as owners choice. But it's a plus if it's new to me, that's all :)"

If [Zab] hasn't changed her stance, then it's okay :)

2012-08-04 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD LOL Thanks, Noct. :)

2012-08-05 [Eyonic]: mmm time to get sketching :D

2012-08-12 [Zab]: I havn't changed my mind and nontheless, it's up to you now ;)

Ah, I have to chose a favourite.. I rather not since I feel like entering this round myself ;)

2012-08-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol :D

2012-08-12 [Triola]: My old art contribution :P

2012-08-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: hahahaha It's very cute :3

2012-08-13 [XxTsomexX]: That is adorable!!

2012-08-13 [Eyonic]: having so much trouble getting back into the artsy stage q.q

2012-08-20 [Nocturnaliss]: Bit late to answer: Zab, I'll remove you from the fav-choosers, so you can enter yourself. ;)

2012-08-20 [Nocturnaliss]: Triola, those baby griffons are adorable :D

2012-08-20 [Triola]: Thanks :D

2012-08-20 [Zab]: Yaay! :P

2012-08-20 [Zab]: It's oils on canvas and... err.. I didn't crop the picture tighter because..err...uh... oh, look a monkey! :O

2012-08-20 [Triola]: As always, your art is beyond awesome and I hate you >.< <.<

2012-08-23 [Zab]: Mwahahahaha! And not even using a referense..mwahahaha

But yours are so adorable :3

2012-08-23 [Triola]: For some reason, cute seems to have become my forte :P

2012-09-03 [Nocturnaliss]: Nice Zab! Is that gryphon part snow panther ?

2012-09-05 [Zab]: Yep :)

2012-09-05 [Nocturnaliss]: Very nice :) I hope we'll still have some more participants before the deadline's upon us! I still have to get the badges done, but I pretty much know what they'll look like.

2012-09-09 [Nocturnaliss]: Just one week left guys! It's now or never ;)

2012-09-10 [Nocturnaliss]: Also, I'd like to add the deadline will not be extended, this considering we will be alternating hosts and it has to remain fair to everyone.
So, guys, as said previously, there's one week left. I hope to see a couple more entries pop up!

2012-09-11 [The Dizzy Raven]: Still working on mine :)

2012-09-11 [Eyonic]: still trying to get back into art phase :(

2012-09-11 [XxTsomexX]: I'm gonna see what I can come up with.

I even have an idea for a mythical creature

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